Day 8: Wavis Bay

Saturday 30 March 2019 | Distance travelled: 0km

It's getting a little repetetive starting each entry in the same place doing the same thing. It is at least a Saturday, which makes it feel a bit different, even if it's not. Our hosts at the Spindrift Guest House B&B in Walvis Bay, Liz and Case, are concerned that we're working too hard and not seeing enough of Namibia whilst we're here, so they've suggested a trip to Pelican point at some point over the next few days.

I spent most of this morning grappling with some of the audio recordings that we made whilst we were in Windhoek. I have ambitions to make a podcast to document our trip. As well as providing an easy way of recording conversations, my motivation was also to give a voice to our colleagues as we travel along the route. The thing is, I've never actually made one before, and rather than just recording our conversation - which is what I did in Windhoek - there needs to be structure to the conversation. It's not that we haven't got a load of soundbites, which we have, it's just that it requires a lot of editing.

Here's a video update: