Day 13: Windhoek to Rundu

Thursday 04 April 2019 | Distance travelled: 716km (1053,km in total)

A long day of driving up from Windhoek. We mis-calculated both time and fuel, and had to slowly creep into Rundu, with just 3km of fuel left. This was after I'd nursed the landie over the last 200km at a much slower pace to preserve fuel. It also meant arriving at least an hour after dark, which is not great. Fortunately we were chaperoned by Davis in his UNAM pickup.

We'd also stopped several times so that Ezra could get shots of the car driving along the road. The scenery was incredible. Mountains, savannas, trees, grasses, all tinged with African browns and greens. We also saw some more animals from the windows. Springbok, impala, warthogs and even a (stuffed) cheetah.

It really started to feel like we've started. Isaac and I recorded the first couple of interviews for our podcast Lab Roving, and we ended up at our lodge on the bank of the Kavango river. I wonder what view I'll wake up to tomorrow.